
     Information System is a big area system which includes many subgroups. In order to know efficiently, we should concern about types of IS. In the same time, we will further know information about IS from a particular system. Definitely, it is very complicated to understand, but it could be covered by our ability. Here we go through one by one.
     - IS includes two big systems, which contain Management Support System that supports management decision-making and Operation Support System that supports business operation.
     - Flow of information between management levels


     - TPS is the system records the data from everyday operations throughout every department in the organization. Each department is connected through the TPS to provide useful information to management levels throughout the company.
      - Features of TPS
            1. One TPS for one department.
2. Used by operational and supervisory levels.
3. Monitor, collect, store and process data generated from Business Trend.
4. TPS is the backbone of an organization's IS.
      - There are three components for TPS. they are people, hardware and software.
      - TPS function

- MIS is an integrated collection of people, procedures, databases and devices that provide managers and decision makers with information to help organization achieve goals.
- The function of MIS is proving managers with information about operations of the organization. So that they can control, organize, and plan more effective.

- DSS is an organized collection of people, procedures, software, databases and devices used to support problem-specific decision making.
- DSS provides a flexible tool for analysis.
- Features of DSS
1. Internal and external input
2. Support unstructured problems
            3. Handle large amounts of data from different sources
4. Tactical manager or middle manager
- DSS consists four parts. they are users, software, decision model and data.


- EIS is the combination of TPS, MIS and DSS.
- Features of EIS
1. Top managers or executives
2. Support higher level of decision making in organization.
3. Analyze the environment and identify long-term trends.


- An expert system is computer software that attempts to act like a human expert on a particular subject area.
- An expert system is made up of three parts:
            1. A user interface - This is the system that allows a non-expert user to query (question) the expert system, and to receive advice. The user-interface is designed to be a simple to use as possible.
            2. A knowledge base - This is a collection of facts and rules. The knowledge base is created from information provided by human experts
            3.An inference engine - This acts rather like a search engine, examining the knowledge base for information that matches the user's query.
     To conclude, there are so many system under the information system. What I have learned is the differences between each system, how they are related with each other. Furthermore, the way to get the useful output from those system in strengthening decision. Nevertheless, I hope all the readers will get more understanding from this post.
                WEB APPLICATIONS

     Nice to see you again!
     In this post, I want to talk about web application. Before I start to share the fact, I would like to talk generally regarding the web application. Web applications are services that have been provided by various IT companies in the world. Web application can be seen easily on electronic devices. Why it is, because everybody nowadays has their own devices, like mobile, computer or internet. So it is easy to be accessed. However, let’s step on the facts. In order to optimize web application, we should know some information regarding with web application and some examples of web applications that are available and can be accessed easily.
Let’s learn together!
- An application is a piece of software that can run on the internet, computer, phone or electronic devices.
- Web application is any application that uses a web browser as a client.
- Web browsers are software applications that allow users to retrieve data with content located on web page within a web site.
- Examples of web browser
          Internet Explorer

          Mozilla Fire Fox

- Web page represents various types of information presented to the visitor in an aesthetic and readable manner.
- Type of web page
          1. Static web page (such as Web 1.0 that allows people to search information and read it. This type of web page cannot be edited by visitor)
          2. Dynamic web page (such as Web 2.0 that allows users to interact with information)

              - Web 2.0 is the popular term for advances Internet
                Technology and applications including blogs,
                wikis, Really simple Syndication (RSS) and social
              - Web 2.0 comprises three categories. They are
                Social networking, Mashups and Aggregators.

- Websites are collection to relate web pages found at a single address.
- Example of websites

     Here are some web based collaboration tools, such as Google applications. As we know, Google is a big company that serves us various applications to people. Now Google applications have become widely used applications in the IT world. However, I will elaborate Google applications that are available on the internet. Thus we can access and use them wisely in our daily life.
- Google Applications

     However, we now know how web application plays role in our life. Importantly, we are as learners who always search information from the internet, we should know and understand how we can use web applications efficiently and effectively in order to give us the best output to support in our studies and becoming as a good IT user.

            In this week's lesson, I have learned about information system development methodology or ISDM. This lesson offers us a variety of methods in order to implement a new information system. In this helpful post, it will be shared about IS development and ISDM

Let's have a look!

- IS development is a change process taken with respect to object systems in a set of environments.

- A methodology is a collection of procedures, tools, and documentation aids.

- IS development methodology is a recommended collection of philosophies, phases, procedures, rules technique, tools, documentation, management and training for developers of IS. 

- Why we should use a methodology
            1. To make the analysis and design process more accessible to non-expects. 
2. To introduce structure into design and make it more manageable. 

- There are many different methodologies used in systems development. According to Avison&Fitzgerald's description, there is a number of methodologies such as :
            1. Gane and Sarsons (STRADIS) - Based on the building of a logical model of the system, using graphical techniques to enable users, analysts, and design to get a clear and common picture of the system.
2. Information Engineering (IE) - An architectural approach to planning, analyzing, designing, and implementing applications within an enterprise. 
3. Jeckson System Development - Give developer assistance in thinking about structure of software development problem. 
4. Prototyping/Iterative Approach - An extensible model of a planned software system, likely including its interface and input/output functionality. 
5. Structured Approach (SDLC) - The process of developing system or software to meet certain requirement. 
6. Soft System Methodology (SSM) - For applying system thinking to non-systematic situation. 
7. ETHICS - It provides a robust “mechanics” to aid public theologians prepare ethical analyses for public policies.
8. Structured System Analysis and Design (SSADM) - An open methodology based on the waterfall model.

Finally, I hope the reader could understand implicitly. At the same time, it could also hint the direction to us to go further on this lesson. However, I am very proud to publish this information even though there is a small amount of information.

     In the useful post, I would like to stress upon information system (IS). What I have learned, IS are used wisely for the world of business today. As we are student, people, or workers who consume the benefit of life, we need to understand what IS can and cannot do and be able to use IS to help us accomplish our work. Here are some fact of IS that should be comprehended.

- System is a set of component which is related input, processing and output.

- IS is a set of interrelated components that collect (input), manipulate (process), store, and disseminate data and information (output) and provide a feedback mechanism to meet an objective.

- Computer-based IS is a single set of hardware, software, databases, telecommunication, people, procedures (known as Technology Infrastructure), that are configured to collect, manipulate, store and process data into information.

- The substances of Technology Infrastructure
            1. Hardware consists of computer equipment used for perform input, processing, and output activity.
2. Software consists of the computer program that governs the operation of computer.
3. Databases is an organized collection of facts and information, typically consisting of two or more related data file.
4. Telecommunication is the electronic transmission of signals for communication, which enables organizations to carry out their processes and tasks through effective computer.
5. People include all the people who manage, run, program and maintain the system.
6. Procedures include the strategies, policies, and rules for using the Computer-based IS or CBIS.

- The roles of CBIS are to support competitive advantage, business decision making, and business operation and processes.

Now, I expect all of you who read the post would able to perceive what IS and CBIS are, how they help us to accomplish our task. So let's apply our knowledge in daily life in order to enjoy our ample life.