Let's have a look!
this week's lesson, I have learned about information system development
methodology or ISDM. This lesson offers us a variety of methods in order to
implement a new information system. In this helpful post, it will be shared
about IS development and ISDM.
Let's have a look!
- IS development is a change process
taken with respect to object systems in a set of environments.
- A methodology is a collection of
procedures, tools, and documentation aids.
- IS development methodology is a
recommended collection of philosophies, phases, procedures, rules technique,
tools, documentation, management and training for developers of IS.
- Why we should use a methodology
To make the analysis and design process more accessible to non-expects.
2. To introduce structure into
design and make it more manageable.
- There are many different
methodologies used in systems development. According to Avison&Fitzgerald's description, there is a number of
methodologies such as :
1. Gane and Sarsons (STRADIS) - Based on the
building of a logical model of the system, using graphical techniques to enable
users, analysts, and design to get a clear and common picture of the system.
2. Information Engineering (IE) - An architectural approach to
planning, analyzing, designing, and implementing applications within an
3. Jeckson System Development - Give developer assistance in thinking
about structure of software development problem.
4. Prototyping/Iterative Approach - An extensible model of a planned
software system, likely including its interface and input/output
5. Structured Approach (SDLC) - The process of developing system or
software to meet certain requirement.
6. Soft System Methodology (SSM) - For applying system thinking to
non-systematic situation.
7. ETHICS - It provides a robust “mechanics” to aid public theologians
prepare ethical analyses for public policies.
8. Structured System Analysis and Design (SSADM) - An open methodology
based on the waterfall model.
Finally, I hope the reader could
understand implicitly. At the same time, it could also hint the direction to us
to go further on this lesson. However, I am very proud to publish this
information even though there is a small amount of information.